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St Peter's Infants School Attendance Statement


The law requires us to keep a record of the number and types of absences and our records are checked regularly by the Attendance Advisory Practitioner (AAP). Therefore we ask that you keep the school informed of any absence your child may have by telephone daily or by email to the school office. If we do not receive this information or your reason for absence is not considered to be acceptable, we have to mark your child down as having an 'Unauthorised Absence' and this could result in a visit from the AAP. Please see our Attendance Leaflet for more information.

Authorisation for leave of absence will only be granted in the most exceptional of circumstances. Should there be reasons other than illness for an absence, please seek permission beforehand in writing.

A copy of our ‘Attendance Policy & Procedures Leaflet’ is available under the 'Policies' section of this website and can also be obtained from the School Office. This details policy, procedures, awards and legislation regarding attendance. All new parents are issued with this booklet when their child starts school.

Record of absences for academic year (2022-2023)

Number of children on roll


Attendance %


% of half day sessions missed through authorised absence




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