Computing at St Peters
Welcome to this Computing page at St Peters.
Your child has their username and passwords for Lexia and Purple Mash in their contact book.
Internet Safety at St Peters
The world of technology continues to rapidly advance and, wherever as such wherever possible, we need to help the children in our care stay safe when using computers, laptops, i-pads, tablets etc.
At St Peters we take this responsibility seriously and have in place a number of policies and procedures to help our pupils explore the world of computing. We want them to learn about the benefits but also educate them as to how to manage the risks.
As part of this responsibility, you will find guides for parents, an e-safety video and links to further information on our e-safety page.
Online Resources

Purple Mash -
To access Purple Mash, click on the link above and enter your child's unique login details.
Purple Mash is an exciting and safe online environment where children can get involved in all sorts of creative projects to support their learning in English, Maths, Science, Computing, History, Geography, RE, Art, Music, and Design and Technology. This award-winning website for nursery and primary school children enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative ways. Children can have hours of fun creating leaflets, articles or stories. They can paint, create mini games, play music and much, much more.

DK Findout is a safe place online to see, learn, and explore almost everything.
DK is a top publisher of general reference and illustrated non-fiction books aimed specifically at children.
DK Findout brings together the very best of their knowledge into a secure site for your child to search and explore. It is packed with tips and hints to help support your child’s learning and education.
Phonics play has a variety of free Interactive phonics games that children love playing. Games include identifying simple phonetic sounds, reading simple words, identifying if words are real and made up, silly sentences games.