Mental Health & Well being
Mental Health and Well-Being at St Peters Infant School
While the majority of pupils are happy, settled and confident, there are sometimes pupils who are facing difficult situations that impact on their mental wellbeing.
At St Peters Infant School we aim to be aware of any change in pupil’s emotional state and bring this to the attention of the Senior Leadership Team via Pupil Progress Meetings or through informal chats.
It may be deemed necessary to instigate some supportive measures to help a child through difficult times. One of the following interventions may be used:-
Meet and Greet
A warm welcome to the class in the morning and a chance for a chat with a trusted adult. Provided by the Class Teacher or Teaching Assistant |
Time to Talk |
A social support group run by the Teaching Assistant |
ELSA Support (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) |
Positive shared time with a known and trusted adult engaging in activities aimed at helping the child manage their difficulty through activities of the child’s choice. |
Draw and Talk |
12 week support programme by trained practitioners in Draw and Talk run by SENDCo or HLTA |
Lego Therapy |
Sessions with HLTA following the Lego Therapy approach |
Play Therapy / counselling |
External trained counsellor may be asked to run sessions. These are usually blocks of 6 weeks. |
Professional Referral
When there are more extreme concerns, advice may be sought or a referral can be made to Medway’s Mental Health provider NELFT.