St Peter's Infant School Pupil Premium Grant Spending
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is Government funding targeted at addressing underlying inequalities and tackling the disadvantages that some children experience in life. The funding is allocated to schools for children from reception to Year 11 who have registered for Free School Meals within the last 6 years, are in care or are children of people in the armed forces. The Pupil Premium is additional to main school funding and is used to raise the achievement of, and improve outcomes for, these vulnerable pupils through the receipt of the best possible support.
Your child can really benefit from being identified as being eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant. If you think your child may be entitled to this, please speak to someone in the school office.
How is it spent at St Peter’s?
We look at the needs of the children receiving the Pupil Premium to decide upon the best use of the funding which includes: supporting children's English and Maths skills; working to meet social, emotional, well-being or behavioural needs; providing enrichment activities; access to out of hours school provision and relevant staff training.
How will parents know it is working?
We track all children’s progress and attainment each term to ensure that our provision is having a positive impact. Data such as attendance is also regularly monitored for impact upon outcomes.
Please see the latest report below for further details of the impact of our spending for the previous year and how we plan to use the funding in the current year.